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Re: emacs reproducible builds part1 of 2 : eln

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: emacs reproducible builds part1 of 2 : eln
Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 13:45:27 +0300

> Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 10:22:15 +0200
> From: "Bernhard M. Wiedemann" <bernhardout@lsmod.de>
> On 31/05/2024 09.44, Andrea Corallo wrote:
> > Ouch I'm not sure there will ever be a 29.4... Eli?
> A 30.0 release would also be fine, if it happens this year.

Not 30.0 (Emacs doesn't have XX.0 releases), but 30.1.  And yes, it
definitely should happen this year (if you mean year 2024, that is).

> > Bernhard trying master is not an option?
> not that easy. My test-tools expect a .spec file that builds rpms.
> When I try to use master and use an adapted 29.3 .spec file I get either 
> autoreconf errors or using the (old?) configure
> No rule to make target '@STDBIT_H@', needed by 'fingerprint.o'.

The emacs-29 branch is basically closed for code changes, except very
simple and obvious ones, especially if they fix crashes.  No further
development happens there, and no new features will be added to that
branch.  (And yes, reproducible build is a new feature for this

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