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Re: [ELPA] some tex-related packages

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: [ELPA] some tex-related packages
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 06:33:24 +0000

Paul Nelson <ultrono@gmail.com> writes:

> I have a few tex-related packages that I'd like to submit to ELPA.  They
> all rely on AUCTeX 14.0.5, which was just released today.  (I'd be happy to
> make a separate post for each, if that'd be easier.)

That's not necessary.

> https://github.com/ultronozm/tex-numbers.el
> https://github.com/ultronozm/tex-continuous.el
> https://github.com/ultronozm/preview-auto.el
> tex-numbers provides an interface for retrieving label numbers from tex
> documents and uses this to augment some features of AUCTeX (previews,
> folds, ...) with correct numbering.

At first the name made me think the package dealt with built-in numbers
in TeX (e.g. to simplify arithmetic).  But a cursory look at the sources
makes it seems like it is LaTeX specific.  Perhaps it should be renamed
to something like "latex-numbering"?

> tex-continuous provides a minor mode in which a tex document is compiled
> continuously using latexmk, the error log is parsed using AUCTeX, and
> errors are reported via flymake.

That sounds interesting.  Here again, tex- implies one thing but latexmk
another.  Is the dependency on latexmk hard, or could you re-use
AUCTeX's facilities?

> preview-auto provides a minor mode in which AUCTeX previews generate
> automatically in the visible part of the buffer.

This makes me think, have you communicated any of these features to the
AUCTeX developers?  Perhaps it would make more sense to upstream these
as patches instead of having too many little packages?

> I've shared these primarily via word-of-mouth to colleagues, and have
> received positive feedback.  Any other feedback or suggestions would be
> welcome.
> Thanks, best,
> Paul

        Philip Kaludercic on peregrine

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