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Re: [PATCH] Adding new schemas to nxml-mode

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Adding new schemas to nxml-mode
Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 19:48:32 +0000

Jostein Kjønigsen <jostein@secure.kjonigsen.net> writes:

> This latest patch addresses the copyright/readme issue, and also
> tweaks the schemas slightly after I've found a few inconsistencies
> locally.

Since there have been no further comments within 3 months, I have now
pushed this to master (e75921a1dcd).  Please note the ChangeLog entry
that I've added to the commit message, according to the guidelines
detailed in the CONTRIBUTE file.

I've also announced the change in etc/NEWS in a followup commit

Thanks for your contribution!

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