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Re: master 431f8ff1e38: * lisp/imenu.el: Support more values for imenu-f

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: Re: master 431f8ff1e38: * lisp/imenu.el: Support more values for imenu-flatten (bug#70846)
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 19:46:38 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/30.0.50 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

>>> +(defcustom completion-allow-text-properties nil
>>> +  "Non-nil means `choose-completion' should not discard text properties.
>>> +This also affects `completing-read' and any of the functions that do
>>> +minibuffer input with completion."
>> This new user option should be announced in NEWS.
>> I also wonder whether it should be a user option, i.e. is it
>> reasonable that a user would like all of his/her completions to
>> preserve text properties?  Stefan, WDYT?
> I can't see how it can make sense as a user-option, no.  AFAICT it's
> a hack for specific front-ends or specific backends (or combinations
> thereof) to work around limitations in the completion API (or maybe

Sorry, it was a mistake, it was intended as a counterpart of
minibuffer-allow-text-properties that is not a user option.

> rather to allow abusing the completion API as a selection API 🙂).

Indeed, this value of imenu-flatten can be unambiguous only
in case of the Selection API.  So completion-allow-text-properties
would be useful for users who prefer Selection API
to select a candidate with annotation.  And for
the Completion API another value of imenu-flatten
could be added that will add a suffix, so the annotation
will be part of the completion candidate string.

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