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Re: [ELPA] New package: dired-duplicates

From: Harald Judt
Subject: Re: [ELPA] New package: dired-duplicates
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 15:52:12 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 2023-11-09 at 10:18, Harald Judt wrote:
On 2023-11-09 at 09:43, Eli Zaretskii wrote:>> Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 09:00:11 +0100
Cc: emacs-devel@gnu.org
From: Harald Judt <h.judt@gmx.at>

The size limitation should have its default value dependent on whether
the build is a 32-bit (which we still support) or 64-bit.  You can
look at how we compute treesit-max-buffer-size, to figure out how to
express the conditions for the default value.

Yes, but I wonder, why do this? There can be 32-bit systems as well as 64-bit
systems that can have only 2GiB RAM, both might fail when trying to open a
file that has e.g. 1536MiB. Then, there might be both types of systems that
have 8gb of RAM that can open such files with no problems?

If you are saying that we can do with a single value, I'm okay with
that, provided that this value will be accepted by users.  32-bit
systems cannot have buffers larger than 2 GiB, and a reasonable limit
would be something like 500 MiB, I think.  This could be too low for
users of 64-bit systems, but if it's okay, it's fine with me.  Your
proposed default, 1 GiB, is too large for a typical 32-bit system,

Maybe it would be possible to make it dependent on the amount of RAM available
on the system?

Ideally, yes, but in practice knowing how much is available is not
that easy on a modern OS, so I don't think it's worth the hassle,
especially in fallback code.

I agree, 500M for 32-bit and 1G for 64-bit are good defaults for the dired-duplicates use-case, I guess most typical systems will be able to handle it. I will implement it this way.


Ok, I have pushed these changes and bumped the version to 0.2 and I hope that this time the package builds correctly on ELPA (the last time it failed though it loads and compiles on my machine). Where would I find that file dired-duplicates-build-failure.txt in the GNU ELPA archive web site?

The output from the previous run was:
The build scripts failed to build the tarball
for version 0.1 of the package dired-duplicates.
You can consult the latest error output in the file
"dired-duplicates-build-failure.txt" in the GNU ELPA archive web site.

You can also try and reproduce the error locally as follows:

    git clone --single-branch https://git.sv.gnu.org/git/emacs/elpa.git
    cd elpa
    make                            # Setup the infrastructure
    make packages/dired-duplicates  # Create a worktree of the package
    make build/dired-duplicates     # Build the tarballs into archive(-devel)/

## The current error output was the following:

======== Building tarball archive/dired-duplicates-0.1.tar...
Build error for archive/dired-duplicates-0.1.tar: (error "Can't find main file home/elpa/elpa/packages/dired-duplicates/dired-duplicates.el file in /home/elpa/elpa/packages/dired-duplicates")
######## Build of package archive/dired-duplicates-0.1.tar FAILED!!


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