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Re: [PATCH] Improve find-sibling-rules option type

From: Paul W. Rankin
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Improve find-sibling-rules option type
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 11:17:00 +1000
User-agent: Purely Mail via Roundcube/1.6.3

On 2023-09-24 19:44, Mauro Aranda wrote:
In particular, AFAICT there could be more than one EXPANSION.  In that
case, :value-type should be a repeat of strings, not just a string.  In
addition, regexp should be used as the :key-type type.  (I see that
Philip already spotted this)

Just looking at `find-sibling-file-search' and it looks like maybe? But if this is the case I think the docstring should be rewritten. Looking at it from a user's perspective if the docstring says "a string" but there's a repeat of strings, that would be confusing.

In general, when converting from sexp to a more specific type, I think
we have to take extra precaution and check the code for how the
variable it's used (i.e., the docstring might not tell the whole story).
If ever in doubt, then it might be better and safer to offer a choice
with the more specific type first, and keep sexp as a catch-all

Customize already provides for this! The user can click [State] > Show Saved Lisp Expression to edit/override the value with their own sexp.

I think the main thing is not to have user options that demand sexps.

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