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Re: [GNU ELPA] New package: tam

From: Adam Porter
Subject: Re: [GNU ELPA] New package: tam
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2023 14:26:56 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.15.1

Hi Lynn,

This looks like a very interesting package. My only feedback is trivial: that the names of the functions could omit "table" from their names, because it would make them more concise; and since they all operate on tables, it doesn't seem necessary for their names to specify that.

So, e.g., instead of:

;;  (tam-create-table N) => table of size N
;;  (tam-table-fullp TABLE) => nil unless TABLE is full
;;  (tam-table-emptyp TABLE) => nil unless TABLE is empty
;;  (tam-table-size TABLE) => number of slots in TABLE
;;  (tam-table-used TABLE) => number of slots of TABLE in use
;;  (tam-table-get TABLE IDX) => contents of TABLE slot at index IDX
;;  (tam-allocate TABLE OBJ) =>
;;      if not full, assigns OBJ to contents of a free slot in TABLE,
;;                   and returns the index of the slot
;;      if full, returns nil
;;  (tam-free TABLE INDEX) =>
;;      if slot at INDEX of TABLE is in use, move to the free list and
;;              return the object formerly held by the slot
;;      if slot is already free, signal an error
;;  (tam-table-free-list TABLE) => list of free indices in TABLE
;;  (tam-table-live-list TABLE) => list of in-use indices in TABLE

It could be:

;;  (tam-create N) => table of size N
;;  (tam-fullp TABLE) => nil unless TABLE is full
;;  (tam-emptyp TABLE) => nil unless TABLE is empty
;;  (tam-size TABLE) => number of slots in TABLE
;;  (tam-used TABLE) => number of slots of TABLE in use
;;  (tam-get TABLE IDX) => contents of TABLE slot at index IDX
;;  (tam-allocate TABLE OBJ) =>
;;      if not full, assigns OBJ to contents of a free slot in TABLE,
;;                   and returns the index of the slot
;;      if full, returns nil
;;  (tam-free TABLE INDEX) =>
;;      if slot at INDEX of TABLE is in use, move to the free list and
;;              return the object formerly held by the slot
;;      if slot is already free, signal an error
;;  (tam-free-list TABLE) => list of free indices in TABLE
;;  (tam-live-list TABLE) => list of in-use indices in TABLE

That 6-fewer-characters could sometimes make the difference between a form fitting on one line or two. :)

Thanks for this contribution.


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