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dynamic-completion-mode doc

From: Madhu
Subject: dynamic-completion-mode doc
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2023 10:10:14 +0530

[written up for gnu-emacs-help but posted here on second thoughts]

I'm trying to find out what (dynamic-completion-mode) does.

C-h f dynamic-completion-mode
C-h v dynamic-completion-mode

Only show the boilerplate documentation.  But I cannot understand what
the impact of the command is, or what changes when minor-mode
dynamic-completion-mode is turned on or off.

[I've used what is called "dynamic completions" before:

1. use M-/ dabbrev-exapand to complete the word at point

2. Use completion-table-dynamic to support completion-at-point for lisp
modes like sly or slime

3. I used comint-dynamic-complete-as-filename for a long time until its
functionality was handicapped and then obsoleted then removed, and I've
had to locally revert the changes to "comint-filename-completion"
"comint-dynamic-complete-filename" to get the functionality back.

This makes me think I've misunderstood what "dynamic completion" means,
so perhaps I should start with what dynamic-completion-mode is supposed
to do.

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