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Re: Adding with-editor to Emacs?

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Adding with-editor to Emacs?
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2023 21:57:19 +0300

> From: Jonas Bernoulli <jonas@bernoul.li>
> Cc: stefankangas@gmail.com, emacs-devel@gnu.org, rms@gnu.org
> Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2023 20:12:40 +0200
> > Then I guess you should describe all those atrocities in detail, so
> > that we could perhaps devise ways of handling it.
> I do not have a list of those atrocities and I do not have the bandwidth
> and motivation to compile that in the next few months.  I have code that
> deals with it though (with-editor-locate-emacsclient and the functions
> it uses).  Using git to trace the history of that code, would give you
> commits with explanations and/or links to places were the issues that
> are being addressed were described.

It's not that easy: AFAIU, with-editor was part of Magit, and was
separated into a repository of its own not very long ago.  And the
answers to my questions seem to be before the split.

I also looked at the present code and found it to have quite a few
non-trivial parts whose purpose I couldn't easily explain or guess,
and which are not explained in the comments, either.

So, if you have no time or motivation to describe the problems you
tried to solve with that code, I guess someone else will need to find
out and describe the problems in a way that we could then consider for
inclusion.  I cannot myself afford digging through the Magit's Git
repository to find the description of these problems, sorry.

Or maybe Richard already knows the answers, since he thought this
should be added to Emacs.

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