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Re: [elpa] elpa-admin 1d766451f8: Suggest `package-install' to install p

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: [elpa] elpa-admin 1d766451f8: Suggest `package-install' to install packages (bug#63800)
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 08:51:37 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

>        (insert (format "<p>To install this package, run in Emacs:</p>
> -                       <pre>M-x <span class=\"kw\">package-install</span> 
> RET <span class=\"kw\">%s</span> RET</pre>"
> +                       <pre>M-x <span class=\"kw\">list-packages</span> 
> RET</pre>
> +                       <p>Then, find <span class=\"kw\">%s</span> in the 
> list, click on the link, and click <pre>Install</pre>.</p>"
>                        name))
>        (let* ((readme-content (elpaa--get-README pkg-spec srcdir))
>               (readme-text plain-readme)

Hmm, I don't like this change.
IMO, we should make this part of the page *smaller* rather than bigger.

Also, this reminds me of those horrible PDFs we have t work giving steps
to go through with their horrendous web-application, which to me scream
"this web-application is broken, URLs were invented so you don't need
those steps".

So if we want in general to recommend users use `list-packages` rather
than `package-install`, let's just put something like:

    To install this from Emacs, use `M-x list-packages RET`

But this should be motivated by a preference, not by a bug (which we
should fix instead), and not by something that only affects a tiny
minority of packages (otherwise, change the above code so it only
affects those very few packages).


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