"Nicolas P. Rougier (inria)" <nicolas.rougier@inria.fr> writes:
> Nicolas P. Rougier (inria) [2023-04-19 at 09:19] wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I would like to submit a new package to ELPA which is a
>> library for
>> creating native dialog popups. Those popups are child frames
>> where:
>> - header line is used to show the (optional) header
>> - mode line is used to show (optional) clickable buttons
>> - buttons can be highlighted with cursor (tooltips hack)
>> - dialog content is a regular buffer
>> Usage example:
>> (nano-dialog nil :title "Dialog title" :buttons '("OK"
>> "CANCEL"))
>> The library is hosted at
>> https://github.com/rougier/nano-dialog and
>> the README displays what it looks like.
>> Best,
>> Nicolas
> Hi all,
> Any comments on this package for inclusion in ELPA?
One nice thing would be if you could provide an .elpaignore file
so that
the screenshot is not included in the tarball.
Your user options all lack types, that should be addressed. You
probably also run checkdoc and address those issues.