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Re: Stability of core packages (was: Not easy at all to upgrade :core pa

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Stability of core packages (was: Not easy at all to upgrade :core packages like Eglot)
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 05:04:23 +0300
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On 20/04/2023 04:49, João Távora wrote:

Not to say it's a bad project (I'll try to migrate my authored packages
to it one day, since it seems to make that natural), but for an average
user? I don't think so.

I don't know.  I see a lot of people using it, and have seen that
for a long time.  The average user googles things and lands on reddits
hits.  ChatGPT teaches you "straight.el" too (if you ask it).

I've had problems reported because of outdated straight recipes on users' machines. It seems like a fine tool for a hacker, though.

I would suggest to start recommending ways to perform an upgrade
explicitly (somewhere in the README, in the manual, and so on). Like
'M-x package-upgrade', if we manage to get it fixed in Emacs 29.

That's a big if.  My worry here is how to clearly control this
messaging, especially when dealing with cleanly deterministic
bug reports.  I have to know exactly the version that he user
is running.  Recently, I've become adept at doing:

HOME=`mktemp -d` emacs -l recipe.el

It's a very good way to establish sanity.  And until now recipe.el
could have just `(package-install 'eglot)` and I would know exactly
what packages the user has installed.  The answer will now
be different in Emacs 28 vs Emacs 29.  Mind you, I will still
know, of course, but the thing installed on Emacs 28 will be
wildly different than the one installed on Emacs 29.  And,
as I said before and everybody understands, it will get worse with
time.  So what form to give users??

If we go for the pinning approach, as Jim suggested, and the fix for that one makes it in in time, the form could like like

  (use-package eglot :ensure t :pin gnu)

and hopefully work across 28, 29 and later.

To name an example: 'package-install' will upgrade Eglot even though
(package-installed-p 'eglot) already returns t.

Even with today's patch in Emacs 29 that already happens if you tweak
the new "heavy-handed" variable.  So I guess that isn't a problem.

I'm not sure I like that one either.

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