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Re: Stability of core packages (was: Not easy at all to upgrade :core pa

From: João Távora
Subject: Re: Stability of core packages (was: Not easy at all to upgrade :core packages like Eglot)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 20:46:52 +0100

Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 8:39 PM Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev> wrote:

> >> Or make it a defcustom if you're really worried.
> >
> > That doesn't change the picture, unless the default for the defcustom
> > will be nil.  Which I expect João to object to, because he wants Eglot
> > to be updated by default and automatically.
> Only when their init script contains
>    (package-install 'eglot)
> or
>    (use-package 'eglot :force t)
> right?

Yes, at least that.  I've given up on interactive M
-x package-install offering Eglot in the completions.  It's also a
backward incompatibility but at least that will alarm users and they
will get some notice that something changed from Emacs 28 to
Emacs 29.

Whereas the silent noop of the non-interactive case is much

And it's ":ensure", not ":force" by the way. Just ask ChatGPT,
it'll tell you ;-)

Curiously, after many many iterations Philip's patch up to the
very end had this minimally backward compatible behaviour for
the non-interactive calls.  But alas, the final version forbade it too.


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