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Re: continuation passing in Emacs vs. JUST-THIS-ONE

From: Tomas Hlavaty
Subject: Re: continuation passing in Emacs vs. JUST-THIS-ONE
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2023 01:50:51 +0200

On Sat 11 Mar 2023 at 14:53, Thomas Koch <thomas@koch.ro> wrote:
> While I don't know elisp, I unfortunately had to do JavaScript. Like
> Emacs, JS is single-threaded. While I share the sentiment about JS,
> there are still things to learn from it, e.g. event driven
> programming.

I guess you mean async & await as opposed to callback hell.

I think that the essence of async & await is to teleport a value from
one place to another.  It has nothing to do with asynchronicity.  It
just happens that this is useful with asynchronous code where it is
convenient to teleport a value from under one stack (or thread) of
execution to under the current stack (or thread) of execution.

(await               <- 2) to the current place
   (yield 42)))      <- 1) teleport 42
=> 42

async is just a syntactic sugar to lexically provide the
necessary facilities to make this teleportation work.  Thanks to
lexical binding and lisp macros, this is easy work for the lisp

(defun await (future)
  (let (z)
    (while (eq 'EAGAIN (setq z (funcall future)))
      (sit-for 0.2))
(defmacro async (&rest body)
  (declare (indent 0))
  (let ((z (gensym))
        (e (gensym)))
    `(let (,e (,z 'EAGAIN))
       (cl-flet ((yield (x) (setq ,z x))
                 (fail (string &rest args) (setq ,e (cons string args))))
       (lambda () (if ,e (apply #'error ,e) ,z)))))

Doing it this way brings great flexibility in what the three dots in the
sketch above can be: synchronous code in the current thread of
execution, asynchronous process with its filter or sentinel callback,
another thread or maybe a timer loop like in javascript.

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