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Re: Collaborative editing.

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Collaborative editing.
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 15:36:16 +0000

Ergus <spacibba@aol.com> writes:

> On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 09:33:28AM +0000, Philip Kaludercic wrote:
>>Ergus <spacibba@aol.com> writes:
>>> Could we try to add crdt to Elpa? Is the author somehow opposed to do the 
>>> paperwork or so?
>>The package still seems to be on version 0.0.0, and the HACKING[0] file
>>indicates that a few intended items are not implemented yet. It might
>>make sense to push for a preliminary version to be published as to
>>provide a basic collaborative environment available on ELPA (or NonGNU
>>ELPA if necessary), and then later work on full-compatibility.
> This is the point. When some users know about the package searching in
> the packages-list; maybe they will want to collaborate or report issues,
> so it won't becomes a single man effort. IMHO a package doesn't really
> exist until it is in Elpa or at least Melpa.

I agree, though in this case there is also the issue of having a package
that is hard to debug and test on your own, because the real bugs will
probably only pop up in hard to replicate configurations
(transcontinental-collaboration, obscure network configurations, etc.)

> Otherwise in a couple of years there will be someone starting again
> another similar effort from scratch.

I'd be intersted to see what Qiantan has to say about all of this. It
seems like he changed his email address according to the last commit in
the repository, so I update the CC'ed address in this thread too in case
he is missing out on the conversation.

>>[0] https://code.librehq.com/qhong/crdt.el/-/raw/master/HACKING.org
>>> On August 15, 2021 7:46:43 AM GMT+02:00, Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> 
>>> wrote:
>>>>* Perry E. Metzger <perry@piermont.com> [2021-08-13 02:44]:
>>>>> I know there have been some experiments with collaborative editing modes 
>>>>> in
>>>>> the past that were written purely in Elisp but none seem to be currently
>>>>> maintained and I'm not sure if any were actually very good to begin with.
>>>>CRDT works just fine and is well maintained, you can contact author
>>>>Qiantan Hong <qhong@mit.edu> at any time you wish.
>>>>$ git clone https://code.librehq.com/qhong/crdt.el.git
>>>>Let me know if you need any help or assistance to start with
>>>>collaborative editing.
>>>>Take action in Free Software Foundation campaigns:
>>>>In support of Richard M. Stallman
>> --   Philip Kaludercic

        Philip Kaludercic

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