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void-function buffer-local-boundp

From: Jean Louis
Subject: void-function buffer-local-boundp
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2021 14:43:27 +0300

On C-h v I get this, but not in emacs -Q:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function buffer-local-boundp)
  (buffer-local-boundp vv orig-buffer)
  (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv orig-buffer))
  (or (get vv 'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) 
(buffer-local-boundp vv orig-buffer)))
  (closure ((val) (orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get 
vv 'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
  funcall((closure ((val) (orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) 
(or (get vv 'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) 
(buffer-local-boundp vv orig-buffer)))) eshell-insert-buffer-name)
  (or (funcall pred sym) (memq sym prefix-completions))
  (closure ((prefix-completions) (action) (pred closure ((val) (orig-buffer . 
#<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 'variable-documentation) (and 
(not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv orig-buffer)))) (string . "eshe") 
t) (sym) (or (funcall pred sym) (memq sym 
  try-completion("eshe" [0 table--measure-max-width postgresql-array-to-hash 
eshell-insert-buffer-name to-name ANG term-do-line-wrapping NJEUAENA 
speedbar-check-vc-this-line calc-alg-entry traverse help-follow-symbol 
hyperscope-markdown-kill-hyperlink eshell-mv-interactive-query term-handle-exit 
dired-unmark-all-marks rng-parse-validate-file C-c speedbar-file-regexp Add\ 
PDF\ by\ page org-table--descriptor-line helm-show-kill-ring 
eshell-return-exits-minibuffer info--manual-names cf-directory-by-id 
calc-do-grab-region hyperdocuments val-start-pos :where 
*table--cell-kill-paragraph :odt-styles-file vc-annotate 
cf-count-calls-interactions xref--push-markers Help\ on\ Variables var-ArgH 
maildir/part-desc->part-idx eshell--sep-terms gnus-summary-limit-to-marks 
geiser-eval--retort-result-str MINIMIZE helm-grep-save-results-1 
article-fill-long-lines wrs-category-of-category selected-coding calcFunc-erfc 
xref-group calc-set-xor tramp-handle-make-auto-save-file-name zot ...] (closure 
((prefix-completions) (action) (pred closure ((val) (orig-buffer . #<buffer 
*eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 'variable-documentation) (and (not 
(keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv orig-buffer)))) (string . "eshe") t) 
(sym) (or (funcall pred sym) (memq sym prefix-completions))))
  complete-with-action(nil [0 table--measure-max-width postgresql-array-to-hash 
eshell-insert-buffer-name to-name ANG term-do-line-wrapping NJEUAENA 
speedbar-check-vc-this-line calc-alg-entry traverse help-follow-symbol 
hyperscope-markdown-kill-hyperlink eshell-mv-interactive-query term-handle-exit 
dired-unmark-all-marks rng-parse-validate-file C-c speedbar-file-regexp Add\ 
PDF\ by\ page org-table--descriptor-line helm-show-kill-ring 
eshell-return-exits-minibuffer info--manual-names cf-directory-by-id 
calc-do-grab-region hyperdocuments val-start-pos :where 
*table--cell-kill-paragraph :odt-styles-file vc-annotate 
cf-count-calls-interactions xref--push-markers Help\ on\ Variables var-ArgH 
maildir/part-desc->part-idx eshell--sep-terms gnus-summary-limit-to-marks 
geiser-eval--retort-result-str MINIMIZE helm-grep-save-results-1 
article-fill-long-lines wrs-category-of-category selected-coding calcFunc-erfc 
xref-group calc-set-xor tramp-handle-make-auto-save-file-name zot ...] "eshe" 
(closure ((prefix-completions) (action) (pred closure ((val) (orig-buffer . 
#<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 'variable-documentation) (and 
(not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv orig-buffer)))) (string . "eshe") 
t) (sym) (or (funcall pred sym) (memq sym prefix-completions))))
  (let ((prefix-completions (and help-enable-completion-autoload (mapcar 
#'intern (all-completions string definition-prefixes))))) (complete-with-action 
action obarray string (if pred #'(lambda (sym) (or (funcall pred sym) (memq sym 
  (if (and completions-detailed (eq action 'metadata)) '(metadata 
(affixation-function . help--symbol-completion-table-affixation)) (if 
help-enable-completion-autoload (progn (let ((prefixes (radix-tree-prefixes 
(help-definition-prefixes) string))) (help--load-prefixes prefixes)))) (let 
((prefix-completions (and help-enable-completion-autoload (mapcar #'intern 
(all-completions string definition-prefixes))))) (complete-with-action action 
obarray string (if pred #'(lambda (sym) (or (funcall pred sym) (memq sym 
  help--symbol-completion-table("eshe" (closure ((val) (orig-buffer . #<buffer 
*eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 'variable-documentation) (and (not 
(keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv orig-buffer)))) nil)
  try-completion("eshe" help--symbol-completion-table (closure ((val) 
(orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
  completion-basic-try-completion("eshe" help--symbol-completion-table (closure 
((val) (orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
orig-buffer)))) 4)
  #f(compiled-function (style) #<bytecode -0x746c007fcc0fda2>)(basic)
  completion--some(#f(compiled-function (style) #<bytecode -0x746c007fcc0fda2>) 
(basic partial-completion emacs22))
  completion--nth-completion(1 "eshe" help--symbol-completion-table (closure 
((val) (orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
orig-buffer)))) 4 (metadata))
  completion-try-completion("eshe" help--symbol-completion-table (closure 
((val) (orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
orig-buffer)))) 4 (metadata))
  completion--do-completion(20 24)
  completion--in-region-1(20 24)
  #f(compiled-function (start end collection predicate) #<bytecode 
-0x8274da4b1a18d29>)(20 24 help--symbol-completion-table (closure ((val) 
(orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
  apply(#f(compiled-function (start end collection predicate) #<bytecode 
-0x8274da4b1a18d29>) (20 24 help--symbol-completion-table (closure ((val) 
(orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
  #f(compiled-function (funs global args) #<bytecode -0xf00d4dc14b0b22>)(nil 
nil (20 24 help--symbol-completion-table (closure ((val) (orig-buffer . 
#<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 'variable-documentation) (and 
(not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv orig-buffer))))))
  completion--in-region(20 24 help--symbol-completion-table (closure ((val) 
(orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
  completion-in-region(20 24 help--symbol-completion-table (closure ((val) 
(orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
  call-interactively(minibuffer-complete nil nil)
  read-from-minibuffer("Describe variable: " nil (keymap (18 . 
helm-minibuffer-history) (10 . minibuffer-complete-and-exit) (13 . 
minibuffer-complete-and-exit) keymap (18 . helm-minibuffer-history) (menu-bar 
keymap (minibuf "Minibuf" keymap (tab menu-item "Complete" minibuffer-complete 
:help "Complete as far as possible") (space menu-item "Complete Word" 
minibuffer-complete-word :help "Complete at most one word") (63 menu-item "List 
Completions" minibuffer-completion-help :help "Display all possible 
completions") "Minibuf")) (27 keymap (118 . switch-to-completions)) (prior . 
switch-to-completions) (63 . minibuffer-completion-help) (32 . 
minibuffer-complete-word) (9 . minibuffer-complete) keymap (18 . 
helm-minibuffer-history) (menu-bar keymap (minibuf "Minibuf" keymap (previous 
menu-item "Previous History Item" previous-history-element :help "Put previous 
minibuffer history element in the min...") (next menu-item "Next History Item" 
next-history-element :help "Put next minibuffer history element in the 
minibuf...") (isearch-backward menu-item "Isearch History Backward" 
isearch-backward :help "Incrementally search minibuffer history backward") 
(isearch-forward menu-item "Isearch History Forward" isearch-forward :help 
"Incrementally search minibuffer history forward") (return menu-item "Enter" 
exit-minibuffer :key-sequence "\15" :help "Terminate input and exit 
minibuffer") (quit menu-item "Quit" abort-recursive-edit :help "Abort input and 
exit minibuffer") "Minibuf")) (10 . exit-minibuffer) (13 . exit-minibuffer) (7 
. minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (C-tab . file-cache-minibuffer-complete) (9 . 
self-insert-command) (XF86Back . previous-history-element) (up . 
previous-line-or-history-element) (prior . previous-history-element) 
(XF86Forward . next-history-element) (down . next-line-or-history-element) 
(next . next-history-element) (27 keymap (60 . minibuffer-beginning-of-buffer) 
(114 . previous-matching-history-element) (115 . next-matching-history-element) 
(112 . previous-history-element) (110 . next-history-element))) nil nil nil nil)
  completing-read-default("Describe variable: " help--symbol-completion-table 
(closure ((val) (orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
orig-buffer)))) t nil nil nil nil)
  completing-read("Describe variable: " help--symbol-completion-table (closure 
((val) (orig-buffer . #<buffer *eshell*>) (v . 0) t) (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
orig-buffer)))) t nil nil nil)
  (setq val (completing-read (format-prompt "Describe variable" (and (symbolp 
v) v)) #'help--symbol-completion-table #'(lambda (vv) (or (get vv 
'variable-documentation) (and (not (keywordp vv)) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
orig-buffer)))) t nil nil (if (symbolp v) (symbol-name v))))
  (let ((v (variable-at-point)) (enable-recursive-minibuffers t) (orig-buffer 
(current-buffer)) val) (setq val (completing-read (format-prompt "Describe 
variable" (and (symbolp v) v)) #'help--symbol-completion-table #'(lambda (vv) 
(or (get vv 'variable-documentation) (and (not ...) (buffer-local-boundp vv 
orig-buffer)))) t nil nil (if (symbolp v) (symbol-name v)))) (list (if (equal 
val "") v (intern val))))
  call-interactively(describe-variable nil nil)

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