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Re: [partially solved]

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: [partially solved]
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2021 07:33:24 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.12; emacs 28.0.50

Uwe Brauer <oub@mat.ucm.es> writes:

Hi Uwe,

> As I just in my email to Stefan, the auctex version I actually use, is
> compiled from master.

Then the question is how up-to-date that is.  If it's maybe around one
month old, it could be the `make-obsolete' calls I've mentioned.

> These other one are some dependencies (I am reminded here on my old
> days on RPM based packages such as SuSe, before switching to Debian).
> So how can I resolve this issue?

Well, when you have packages depending on the auctex package, I guess
they'll pull in the auctex ELPA package, no matter if you have the
auctex git checkout on your `load-path' or not.  So I'd strongly suggest
you use the auctex ELPA package and not the Git version.  I make an ELPA
release from our master after any bug fix anyhow, so it's not that you
would be missing the hot new stuff.

I guess there's also some way to teach package.el that it should assume
some package is already installed in order to stop it from installing
another version due to dependencies but I don't know it from the top of
my head.


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