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Re: [PATCH] `completing-read`: Add `group-function` support to completio

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: [PATCH] `completing-read`: Add `group-function` support to completion metadata
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 01:40:04 +0300
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On 26.04.2021 01:10, Daniel Mendler wrote:
On 4/25/21 11:50 PM, Dmitry Gutov wrote:
Sorry, I was basically referring to an earlier discussions where the consensus was that xref-show-definitions-completiong-read doesn't play very well with the default completing-read. Its completion table is odd, one could say. The proposed feature simply doesn't change that.
I understand. But in which way do you think the function 
`xref-show-definitions-completiong-read` is odd?
It doesn't work as well with default UI because you don't see the 
options without pressing TAB, and you don't know what to type.
Paraphrasing the words of our maintainer, completion is for when you 
know what to type, just to be able to do it quickly. And (as might be 
summed up from the same recent discussion) what that completion table 
needs is "selection".
So it's better if at least icomplete-mode is enabled, preferably with an 
option which shows the completions right away with no input. And the 
vertical style should be even better.
Perhaps if all currently planned uses of group-function are similarly "odd" (and no additional uses in the core are going to be added in the foreseeable future), you don't need to worry/care about having :group-function added to the core, or at least not yet. Or about updating the *Completions* UI.
I assume there are more commands in Emacs where grouping functionality 
is useful. Grouping is heavily used in Helm and in my Consult package, 
so having such functionality officially present in Emacs is certainly 
Helm and Consult use it mostly for sources which return some sort of 
"matches" from a Grep-like program, right? Lots of matches, none of them 
knowable in advance? Stock Emacs usually uses a buffer for that use case 
(like M-x rgrep).
And keep it like "unofficial extension", which I'll be happy to support in Xref anyway (and Xref is in ELPA Core, so users will always be able to install the latest version). There are benefits to being such extension: once you're a proper part of the protocol, you become much more set in stone.
Yes, this would be the most minimal change - only define 
`group-function` as an official metadata which can then be used by 
commands and UIs which support it. However it would certainly be more 
encouraging to make use of the functionality if thereis support in the 
default completion UI or Icomplete.
That's a valid argument too, of course.

But when the list is updated, the elements are basically recreated from the external process's output every time, right? So this only helps if you want to cache the result for repeated invocations of group-function on the same result set.
I am not entirely sure I understand you correctly here. The candidate 
set is generated once from the external process. Then the properties are 
attached once per candidate. In the subsequent filtering/completing of 
the candidates, the candidate set and the attached properties are *not* 
regenerated. This means we save a lot of work here. In particular with 
continuously updating UIs we avoid regenerating the properties every key 
OK, I see. So you fuzzy-match it on the client, if the user types 
further characters to narrow down the search.

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