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RE: [External] : Re: Concern about new binding.

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: RE: [External] : Re: Concern about new binding.
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 2021 09:29:53 +0000

Having a complete keymap at the disposal of third-party libraries means that there are (at least) 26 letters free; each of them can be bound to a separate keymap.
That's still much less than what can be bound to several such prefix 
That's wrong, both from a practical and from a theoretical point of view.

From a practical point of view, the bindings in (B) are not deeper/longer
than the bindings in (A):

|      (A)      |      (B)      |
| C-x j         | C-o j         |
| C-x j = f     | C-o j = f     |
| C-x j t . % + | C-o j t . % + |
| C-x 4 j       | C-o 4 j       |
| C-x x :       | C-o x :       |
| C-x x t e     | C-o x t e     |
| C-x x t + b   | C-o x t + b   |

From a theoretical point of view: the number of available keys is, in both
cases, aleph-zero.

No argument for how you can put lots of stuff on a single prefix key can 
overcome the fact that more prefix keys give you more than does one 
prefix key.
"No argument can."?  "A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards 
the rest." (Simon & Garfunkel)

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