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Re: Suggest installing more fonts?

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: Suggest installing more fonts?
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2020 12:29:11 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (NEB 394 2020-01-19)

I don't understand this, "apt-cache search <script> font" or "apt search <script> font" work for (almost?) every <script>, including tagbanwa, sinhala, lepcha, bhaiksuki... which I'd never heard about.

larsi@xo:~/src/emacs/trunk$ apt-cache search vietnamese | grep font
fonts-pecita - OpenType hand-written font whose letters are connected
emacs-intl-fonts - fonts to allow multilingual PostScript printing from Emacs
xfonts-intl-asian - international fonts for X - (south-east) Asian
fonts-texgyre - OpenType fonts based on URW Fonts
fonts-ibm-plex - extensive typeface family designed by IBM

None of these are actually the package you'd want to install.

I don't know, I don't read/write vietnamese. But I don't understand why you write that "none of these are the package you'd want to install", fonts-ibm-plex seems a good candidate. And from what I see in HELLO, Vietnamese uses the latin script, with added diacritics, so I guess there's in fact no need to install additional fonts to read/write Vietnamese. Viet is something else, it uses the tai-viet script, and:

$ apt-cache search viet font
fonts-pecita - OpenType hand-written font whose letters are connected
emacs-intl-fonts - fonts to allow multilingual PostScript printing from Emacs
xfonts-intl-asian - international fonts for X - (south-east) Asian
fonts-texgyre - OpenType fonts based on URW Fonts
fonts-noto-core - "No Tofu" font families with large Unicode coverage (core)
fonts-sil-taiheritagepro - typeface reflecting the traditional hand-written 
style of the Tai Viet script
texlive-lang-other - TeX Live: Other languages
fonts-ibm-plex - extensive typeface family designed by IBM

in which you find fonts-noto-core.

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