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Re: ~Make emacs friendlier: package documentation [POC CODE INCLUDED]

From: Boruch Baum
Subject: Re: ~Make emacs friendlier: package documentation [POC CODE INCLUDED]
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2020 15:41:32 -0400
User-agent: NeoMutt/20180716

On 2020-10-15 22:24, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> Thanks.  Does this do more/different things than "C-h P"?  AFAIK,
> "C-h P" also uses the commentary part of a package's source file.  If
> something is missing there, perhaps we could add or extend what
> "C-h P" does?

I just now double-checked, and my "C-h P" binds to a function
`describe-package'. Is that what you mean? That function produces very
different content in a very different format. What I submitted is
proof-of-concept code, which *could* be integrated into
`describe-package'; I'm not picky. Here are some of the differences:

+ describe-package doesn't operate on all emacs-lisp files
  + try performing it on `dired' or dired.el

+ describe-package does in fact extract the *first* section of header
  documentation commentary.
  + What it omits, that is in the proposal is all the rest of the header
    documentation, which in many cases includes information on
    installation, configuration, usage, examples, known bugs, etc.

+ describe package provides information on package 'status' (eg.
  built-in, external) which isn't in my POC.

+ My POC function additionally formats and presents *all* the
  documentation for all the package's symbols.
  + and it's done in an org-mode hierarchy for your navigating pleasure.

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