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Re: How to make Emacs popular again.

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: How to make Emacs popular again.
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2020 14:54:09 +0000
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (NEB 394 2020-01-19)

I also didn't read the manual very often, because I didn't find it easily.

Can you suggest a way to make that easier for others in the future?

My suggestion would be to add links in the docstrings to the relevant chapter in the Emacs and Emacs Lisp manuals. Three examples:

kill-line would have a link to (info "(emacs)Killing")

kill-buffer would have two links, one to (info "(emacs)Buffers") and another to (info "(elisp)Buffers")

call-process would have a link to (info "(elisp)Processes")

I think a link to the relevant chapter, as in the examples above, is better than a link to the relevant section or subsection. With this, users who follow that link would find more information about the general context of the command or function, and not just a similar documentation.


C-h f kill-line
put point somewhere on 'kill-line' in the docstring
C-h S

Now making that more widely known would help, I think.

Well, that doesn't quite do what I suggest. It only finds the symbol in the Emacs manual (AFAICS it does not search in the Elisp manual), and what you find when you do this on a command is something that much resembles what you find in the docstring, so it doesn't look like useful information, it looks redundant. As I said, I think entering the chapter would be much more useful, as it would give the user the feeling that there is more information there.

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