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Re: Scheme Interpreter in Emacs and Readline

From: Jakub Jankiewicz
Subject: Re: Scheme Interpreter in Emacs and Readline
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2020 14:29:18 +0200

> What do you mean by "when I resize the window or frame it keep adding
> prompt to the prompt line"?

I have prompt "lips> " and when I resize Emacs window on Fedora GNU/Linux
(the only system I was testing this). on each resize I get new prompt so when
I keep resizing I have something like this:

lips> lips> lips> lips> lips>

and they are all prompt because I can't delete it. Unless something wierd is

> It would also probbaly be helpful if you could post the source of your
> Scheme interpreter.

Sorry about that, my Scheme Interpreter is here:


Please use devel branch since it's most up to date, I still try to make it
compatible with R5RS, before I release new version, it will 1.0.

The executable is in bin directry (there are not much code, but it would be
easier to have link that you can run insead of send this to the mailing list.


Just run:

        git clone https://github.com/jcubic/lips.git
        cd lips
        git checkout devel

and run in GUI Emacs:

        (run-scheme "<PATH>/lips/bin/lips.js")

and resize the Frame or buffer's window if you have multiple windows.

And I need to add that I was looking at Node.js source code, there is lot of
code but it also use Readline and Node.js works in run-js (I'm not sure if it
use something else for --interactive option that was suggested when I've
search how to run node in Emacs).

I've tested my interpeter with same run-js and I have same issue with
duplicated prompt.

Jakub Jankiewicz, Web Developer

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