Any way. I have suggested in a Telegram group to try the new tab bar
functionality from master and they are enjoying it.
There is only a complain from a which-key user. When the which-key
panel activates the tab bar displays which-key in it's name. It is not
something critical, but is it there a simple way to correct this?
It's possible to use the same fix as recently committed for speedbar:
--- a/lisp/speedbar.el
+++ b/lisp/speedbar.el
@@ -1115,7 +1115,9 @@ speedbar-mode
(setq dframe-track-mouse-function #'speedbar-track-mouse))
(setq dframe-help-echo-function #'speedbar-item-info
dframe-mouse-click-function #'speedbar-click
- dframe-mouse-position-function #'speedbar-position-cursor-on-line))
+ dframe-mouse-position-function #'speedbar-position-cursor-on-line)
+ (setq-local tab-bar-mode nil)
+ (setq-local tab-line-format nil))
This will remove tabs from which-key windows. But maybe you meant
removing the name of the which-key buffer from the tab name?
This will be possible with a new defcustom that I'll finish soon.