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Re: Why is FUNC in cl-callf not allowed to be an expression?

From: Michael Heerdegen
Subject: Re: Why is FUNC in cl-callf not allowed to be an expression?
Date: Wed, 15 May 2019 21:17:20 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

> Even better would be if we could do
>     (pcase-let (((gv-ref p) (gv-ref PLACE)))
>       (unless (member X p) (setf p (cons X p))))
> but it seems this would require non-trivial changes to pcase (since
> basically `p` should not be bound there with a `let` but with
> a `cl-symbol-macrolet`).

FWIW I'm all for enhancing pcase so that it can establish other types of
bindings in general.


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