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[PATCH v2] lisp/progmodes/etags.el clean up code by removing a temporary

From: Konstantin Kharlamov
Subject: [PATCH v2] lisp/progmodes/etags.el clean up code by removing a temporary
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 09:55:49 +0300


v2: I fixed a bug that I didn't return t from "while". The code does not
look as short now as I'd hoped for; it's a little less of the original
size. But I think it's still might be useful, because it refactors the
code to have the relevant functional closer, and removes a variable from
function's visibility scope.

 lisp/progmodes/etags.el | 27 +++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/etags.el b/lisp/progmodes/etags.el
index c2715be5370..0014c10eb81 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/etags.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/etags.el
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ etags-goto-tag-location
 hits the start of file."
   (let ((startpos (cdr (cdr tag-info)))
        (line (car (cdr tag-info)))
-       offset found pat)
+       offset pat)
     (if (eq (car tag-info) t)
        ;; Direct file tag.
        (cond (line (progn (goto-char (point-min))
@@ -1363,7 +1363,6 @@ etags-goto-tag-location
       ;; since just going around the loop once probably
       ;; costs about as much as searching 2000 chars.
       (setq offset 1000
-           found nil
            pat (concat (if (eq selective-display t)
                            "\\(^\\|\^m\\)" "^")
                        (regexp-quote (car tag-info))))
@@ -1385,19 +1384,19 @@ etags-goto-tag-location
       (or startpos
          (setq startpos (point-min)))
-      ;; First see if the tag is right at the specified location.
       (goto-char startpos)
-      (setq found (looking-at pat))
-      (while (and (not found)
-                 (progn
-                   (goto-char (- startpos offset))
-                   (not (bobp))))
-       (setq found
-             (re-search-forward pat (+ startpos offset) t)
-             offset (* 3 offset)))     ; expand search window
-      (or found
-         (re-search-forward pat nil t)
-         (user-error "Rerun etags: `%s' not found in %s"
+      (or (looking-at pat) ; Is tag at the specified location?
+          (catch 'found
+            (while (progn
+                     (goto-char (- startpos offset))
+                     (when (bobp)
+                       (throw 'found nil))
+                     (when (re-search-forward pat (+ startpos offset) t)
+                       (throw 'found t))
+                     t)
+              (setq offset (* 3 offset)))) ; expand search window
+          (re-search-forward pat nil t)
+          (user-error "Rerun etags: `%s' not found in %s"
                       pat buffer-file-name)))
     ;; Position point at the right place
     ;; if the search string matched an extra Ctrl-m at the beginning.

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