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Re: [PATCH] Fix battery information on FreeBSD

From: Ahmed Khanzada
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Fix battery information on FreeBSD
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2019 08:47:57 -0700

Thanks for the fix Stefan, sorry for the elementary error.

Updated patch below.

diff --git a/lisp/battery.el b/lisp/battery.el
index efd2a2181a..1ddca3d38e 100644
--- a/lisp/battery.el
+++ b/lisp/battery.el
@@ -618,30 +618,38 @@ battery-bsd-apm
 %t Remaining battery charge time in the form `h:min'"
   (let* ((os-name (car (split-string
             (shell-command-to-string "/usr/bin/uname"))))
-     (apm-flag (if (equal os-name "OpenBSD") "P" "s"))
-     (apm-cmd (concat "/usr/sbin/apm -ablm" apm-flag))
+     (apm-flag (pcase os-name
+             ("OpenBSD" "Pm")
+             ("FreeBSD" "st")
+             (_         "sm")))
+     (apm-cmd (concat "/usr/sbin/apm -abl" apm-flag))
      (apm-output (split-string (shell-command-to-string apm-cmd)))
+     (battery-status-index (if (equal os-name "FreeBSD") 1 0))
+     (apm-mode-index (if (equal os-name "FreeBSD") 3 4))
+     (battery-percentage-index (if (equal os-name "FreeBSD") 2 1))
+     (battery-life-index (if (equal os-name "FreeBSD") 4 3))
+     (ac-index (if (equal os-name "FreeBSD") 0 3))
      ;; Battery status
-      (let ((stat (string-to-number (nth 0 apm-output))))
+      (let ((stat (string-to-number (nth battery-status-index apm-output))))
         (cond ((eq stat 0) '("high" . ""))
           ((eq stat 1) '("low" . "-"))
           ((eq stat 2) '("critical" . "!"))
           ((eq stat 3) '("charging" . "+"))
           ((eq stat 4) '("absent" . nil)))))
      ;; Battery percentage
-     (battery-percentage (nth 1 apm-output))
+     (battery-percentage (nth battery-percentage-index apm-output))
      ;; Battery life
-     (battery-life (nth 2 apm-output))
+     (battery-life (nth battery-life-index apm-output))
      ;; AC status
-      (let ((ac (string-to-number (nth 3 apm-output))))
+      (let ((ac (string-to-number (nth ac-index apm-output))))
         (cond ((eq ac 0) "disconnected")
           ((eq ac 1) "connected")
           ((eq ac 2) "backup power"))))
      ;; Advanced power savings mode
-      (let ((apm (string-to-number (nth 4 apm-output))))
+      (let ((apm (string-to-number (nth apm-mode-index apm-output))))
         (if (string= os-name "OpenBSD")
         (cond ((eq apm 0) "manual")
               ((eq apm 1) "automatic")

-- Ahmed

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