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Re: zero-width line continuation glyph

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: zero-width line continuation glyph
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2018 15:37:46 +0300

> From: Robert Pluim <address@hidden>
> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2018 13:58:55 +0200
> Iʼm trying to get the line continuation character to not be shown for
> lines that are exactly as long as the window width. In a GUI frame,
> with the fringe turned off, I can do:
> (let ((disptab (or buffer-display-table
>                    (setq buffer-display-table (make-display-table)))))
>     (set-display-table-slot disptab 'wrap (gethash "ZERO WIDTH SPACE" 
> (ucs-names))))
> which causes the '\' to not be shown, but the next character does not
> get displayed in its place, ie

Actually, I'm not sure this will work at all, because Emacs needs a
place to put the cursor at EOL.  So it cannot put a character there,
because without a fringe, there's no place to display the cursor.

I think you will have a much better approximation of what you want if
you keep the fringe, but make it 1-pixel wide.

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