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RE: delete-selection-mode as default (WAS: Some developement questions)

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: delete-selection-mode as default (WAS: Some developement questions)
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2018 17:35:33 -0700 (PDT)

> > It's equivalent to your doing this without `delete-selection-mode':
> > C-x C-x M-w, then some letter
> I guess you meant C-w there.

Yes, sorry; my bad.

> > I see zero difference between editing code and editing plain prose,
> > in this regard. In both cases the selection can be replaced by typing,
> As mentioned above, I agree with this.
> > and that's a plus, not a minus.
> Maybe. My feeling from using non-Emacs editors (gasp!), is that the
> main use of this sort of thing is rather for replacing the selection
> by pasting, not so about much typing. Or, for when some feature
> inserts some default text, it highlights that text, indicating to the
> user that they may replace it by typing (i.e., it's rare that a
> user-created selection is deleted by typing).

Yes, those are useful use cases. But so is typing to replace, I think.

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