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Re: master d9b1268 and Emacs 25.2

From: John Wiegley
Subject: Re: master d9b1268 and Emacs 25.2
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2016 12:45:58 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130014 (Ma Gnus v0.14) Emacs/25.1.90 (darwin)

>>>>> "AE" == Arash Esbati <address@hidden> writes:

EA> Dear all,
AE> Tassilo kindly pushed a small patch

EA>     d9b1268: Add entry for biblatex

AE> to master branch. Would it be possible to add this also to emacs-25 before
AE> releasing? This is not strictly a bug fix, but it is non-invasive enough
AE> that it breaks nothing and I can patch biblatex.el on AUCTeX side to
EA> activate it since the AUCTeX team is also planning a new release.

Looks safe to me for 25.2.

John Wiegley                  GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F
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