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Re: Emacs 25.0.94: Is require failing to define macros and functions at

From: Robert Weiner
Subject: Re: Emacs 25.0.94: Is require failing to define macros and functions at compile time?
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 16:34:05 -0400

On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 3:59 PM, Drew Adams <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Any library complicated enough to have N `require's will by necessity
>> have so many more lines of code than N that the longhand list of
>> (require 'foo) will be negligible.

What happened to less code is easier to maintain?  Or don't repeat yourself?

> Doing it the simple(minded), obvious
> way has the advantage that it makes trivial things like grep easier.

I do:

grep "require.*<my-library>" *.el

all the time without a problem on libraries that use the (mapc
#'require ...) call, so it is not a problem.


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