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Re: Build failure for Emacs master

From: Angelo Graziosi
Subject: Re: Build failure for Emacs master
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 02:36:23 +0200
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Just for the record...

After about a month, the issue has reappeared.

Now it fails with this message:

Loading button...
Loading loaddefs.el (source)...
Wrong number of arguments: autoload, 1325
Makefile:540: set di istruzioni per l'obiettivo "emacs.exe" non riuscito
make[1]: *** [emacs.exe] Errore 127
make[1]: uscita dalla directory "/tmp/work/emacs-master/src"
Makefile:398: set di istruzioni per l'obiettivo "src" non riuscito
make: *** [src] Errore 2

but the lisp/loaddefs.el seems to have the same defects..


Il 05/03/2016 08:25, Eli Zaretskii ha scritto:
From: Angelo Graziosi <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2016 22:50:31 +0100

$ cat ./src/emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el
(autoload 'xref-collect-matches "xref" "\
Collect matches for REGEXP inside FILES in DIR.
FILES is a string with glob patterns separated by spaces.
IGNORES is a list of glob patterns.



while for the others

$ cat ./src/emacs/lisp/.../loaddefs.el

(provide 'loaddefs)
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; loaddefs.el ends here

Maybe just retrying builds..

Yes, this looks like the same problem.

The challenge is to catch the instance when such a faulty loaddefs.el
is produced, and see what happens there.  Ideas for how to do that are

In any cases this kind of failures are rather recent. I have built
master on MSYS2 for months without any failure and since, say, first
decade of February they occur..

I've seen this first in last November.  Not sure if it's the same
problem, but the symptoms are very similar.

Are all of your builds full bootstraps in a fresh directory using a
freshly cloned repository?

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