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Re: Recommend these .gitconfig settings for git integrity.

From: Karl Fogel
Subject: Re: Recommend these .gitconfig settings for git integrity.
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 2016 17:22:29 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Paul Eggert <address@hidden> writes:
>I will look into modifying autogen.sh to make this flag optional,
>since there seems to be significant opposition to it. I still don't
>understand why there's so much opposition, though. If the Emacs
>repository becomes corrupted because this option was omitted, quite
>possibly we won't notice, and even if we notice quite possibly we
>won't fix it. I would hate to see that happen.

I agree, but there's a clear majority (at least in this thread, which is all 
the information we have) in opposition to the setting being placed by 
autogen.sh, even with chatter.  I think the right thing to do would be to 
revert it now.

I'm not sure what it would mean to make the flag optional in autogen.sh.  Does 
it mean autogen.sh would interactively query the user or something?  If 
autogen.sh isn't going to do this automatically, then probably autogen.sh 
shouldn't do it at all, and we just have to rely on the advice in git-workflow 
and other places.  Again, I personally agree with your reasoning & preference, 
Paul, but we're a minority and I think it's clear that reverting is the right 
step now.  Just because one doesn't understand the opposition doesn't mean one 
can ignore it, when it's the majority.  (The results last night out of Iowa 
here in the U.S. reminded me of this :-) .)

Best regards,

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