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Re: master c6f03ed: Fix a problem in url.el without GnuTLS

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: master c6f03ed: Fix a problem in url.el without GnuTLS
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 09:25:42 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:13:25 +0100 David Engster <address@hidden> wrote: 

DE> Never rebase commits that are upstream. Rebasing will always create new
DE> commits (in case if you wondering, 'pull --rebase=preserve' doesn't
DE> change that; it will keep a merge commit, but that will not merge
DE> origin/emacs-24 anymore but a new set of commits).

Yes.  I have a pull alias that I shouldn't have used.  I realized the
issue this morning after people noticed, but it was too late.

DE> Instead, simply merge master into your tree. Despite what others may
DE> say, this is still a perfectly valid thing to do in Git. :-) This what
DE> 'git pull' will do by default (unless you configured it otherwise).

>> But I aborted the rebase, then redid the merge.

DE> Yes, it seems there was a pending commit when you finished the merge, so
DE> it was all squashed into one. When you want to start from scratch, the
DE> best thing to do is a hard reset on 'origin/master'. This will make sure
DE> you're in the same state as upstream.

DE> In any case, as much as I like Emacs, I really recommend to use 'gitk
DE> --all' to inspect your tree before pushing. This will show you
DE> immediately if you have created a proper merge from origin/emacs-24.

Yes, will do.  I guess I'm too hard-headed to give up after doing this
wrong twice... I'll try the process again in a few days, third time's a charm.


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