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Re: On being web-friendly and why info must die

From: Steinar Bang
Subject: Re: On being web-friendly and why info must die
Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 13:24:47 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130008 (Ma Gnus v0.8) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

> When I started reading the Org mode manual, 
> everything I saw at the beginning was uninteresting,
> things I had no wish to do.  So I stopped reading it.

Here is an example-based walkthrough of a subset of the format:

Basic document structure of a document is shown (the "memo" part), but I
didn't cover emphasis formatting, web links and cross references or
tables, all of which are essential for a Texinfo replacement.

Though it shows a C source code example.

The "memo" subtree can be exported as a document, in a variety of
formats ('C-c C-e' when standing on the node, and then browse the

(it might be of slight interest that the blog article itself was written
in Org, as were the rest of the articles on that blog)

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