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Re: superword-mode

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: superword-mode
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 15:04:20 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

On Fri, 29 Mar 2013 19:50:12 +0100 Andreas Röhler <address@hidden> wrote: 

AR> Am 29.03.2013 19:10, schrieb Ted Zlatanov:
>> So you're saying that `superword-mode' should simply add "_" to the word
>> syntax?

AR> Yes. To be switched on/off with the mode. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the 

(btw, your e-mail client is mangling my plain text, I'm not sure what happened)

I understand your point, and perhaps it's OK in `superword-mode' because
we can make that modification implicit in choosing to use that mode.  It
was not OK in `cfengine-mode', I quote the last word in that exchange:

TZZ> Or are you saying users don't expect _ to be part of a
TZZ> word and it's unconventional to make it so?

SM> Exactly.  Many users actually like _ to be part of a word, but these
SM> are user-preferences (and we should indeed define a
SM> words-are-symbols-mode for those users since what they really want
SM> is for M-f, M-t, M-DEL to move by symbols rather than by words).

`cfengine-mode' works properly now so it's not under discussion, but I
mention it for context.

So I'd be OK with whatever direction is chosen by the Emacs maintainers.
I can change `superword-mode' to DTRT; I have no strong personal
preference either way.

Also, I don't think you need to CC Stefan directly, he reads this list.

(I personally prefer to get no CC off-list, unless you want to be sure I
won't miss the beginning of a thread, and I've set my headers
accordingly.  This is not to be anti-social but simply because I use
GMane and often leave e-mail unseen for weeks and months.)


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