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Re: pcase is autoloaded?

From: Aidan Gauland
Subject: Re: pcase is autoloaded?
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2013 11:30:36 +1300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.2 (gnu/linux)

Aidan Gauland <address@hidden> writes:
> If pcase is not loaded when the test is run, this happens; if pcase *is*
> loaded when the test is run, this error does not occur.  This does seem
> to suggest that the autoloading of pcase causes a problem, but as Sacha
> Chua pointed out (on #emacs), `fakir--expand-file-name' does not
> correctly handle the a nil case, and calls `file-name-as-directory' with
> nil.  (I do not know how that case should be handled.)
> From what I can tell, pcase being autoloaded is not the problem, it's
> just exposing a bug in fakir, and explicitly loading pcase before
> running the above test only masks the problem.

Actually, scratch that.  It's not a bug in fakir; it's fakir being
called unexpectedly.  (Just talked with Nic in #emacs.)  This would
probably happen with any other autoloaded library, because fakir is
mocking (some of) the file functions.

In this particular instance, I think esxml, the library that's causing
pcase to be autoloaded, should explicitly `require' pcase.  For the
general case, I have no idea how to address.

Aidan Gauland

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