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Re: Emacs pretest 24.0.92

From: Dani Moncayo
Subject: Re: Emacs pretest 24.0.92
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 21:58:54 +0100

>> When building under MinGW it always invoke an interactive cmd.exe and
>> I always must exit manually to continue the building process.  See
>> below.  The last line is the prompt where I need to type "exit" to get
>> out of this interactive cmd.exe.
> Are you using the MSYS Bash?  If so, don't: it is not supported by the
> native Emacs build, see nt/INSTALL.  (You can build without Bash, so
> just removing sh.exe from PATH should be enough.)
>> cmd /c "fc /b gl-tmp globals.h >nul 2>&1 || cp -f gl-tmp globals.h"
> I'm guessing that the MSYS Bash converts "/c" into "C:/", which has
> the effect that you see.

I've had exactly this problem many times; even without using the MSYS
bash; even removing sh.exe from PATH.  Fortunately, there is a simple
solution: Just use:
* The native cmd.exe shell.
* "mingw32-make" instead of "make".

As Eli says, nt/INSTALL is the official reference for building Emacs
on MS-Windows, but sometimes a concrete recipe makes life easier.  So,
FWIW, here's my current recipe for building Emacs for MS-Windows (feel
free to use any parts of it):

0. Prerequisites:
0.1. Install MinGW, including its MSYS package (www.mingw.org).
0.2. Install Bazaar (bazaar.canonical.com).
0.3. Create the script [a].

1. Invoke the script [a].  It will open up a console, to run the
commands described below.

2. Change to the emacs' trunk directory: "cd %PATH_EMACS%\trunk".

3. Get the latest version of the source code: "bzr pull".

4. Chante to the "nt" subdirectory: "cd nt".

5. Configure the build:

configure --without-png --without-jpeg --without-gif --without-tiff
--without-xpm --without-gnutls --no-opt --enable-checking --cflags

"--cflags -fno-omit-frame-pointer" is for gcc version = 4.6.1, to
avoid a bug in that gcc version.

6. Build Emacs from scratch: "mingw32-make bootstrap".

7. Build the info manuals: "mingw32-make info".

8. Install Emacs: "mingw32-make install".

That's all.

--- Footnotes: --------

[a] File "dev-env-console.cmd" (change the paths to suit your setup):
@set PATH_EMACS=C:\emacs
@set PATH_BAZAAR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Bazaar
@set PATH_7Z=C:\Program Files\7-Zip

Dani Moncayo

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