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obsolete variable, use 2nd arg of `display-buffer' instead

From: Sam Steingold
Subject: obsolete variable, use 2nd arg of `display-buffer' instead
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 18:14:42 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

variables special-display-buffer-names, special-display-regexps et al
are now obsolete and replaced with display-buffer-alist.
alas, I cannot figure out how to replace my settings.

E.g., I used to do
 '(special-display-buffer-names ("*info*" ...))
 '(special-display-regexps '("^*Customize " "^*Shell " "^*WoMan "))
 '(same-window-buffer-names '("*Diff*"))
 what do I replace them with?
I tried this:

   `((height . ,(min 70 sds-frame-height)) (width . 80)
     (top . 35) (left . 0) (font . ,sds-small-font)) t)
       `(((label . special) (regexp . "List\\*$")
          (regexp . "Help\\*$") (regexp . "Apropos") (regexp . "^*WoMan ")
          (regexp . "^*Customize ") (regexp . "^*Shell ")
          (name . "*info*"))
         (pop-up-frame-alist . ,Man-frame-parameters))

this does not work for *info* (C-h i does not create a new frame).
this does not even attempt to handle "*Diff*" (how do I do that?)

So, what am I doing wrong?

PS  is there a way to tell custom-set-variables to push something on top
of the existing value instead of replacing it (like I do with cons above)?

Sam Steingold (http://sds.podval.org/) on CentOS release 5.6 (Final) X 
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