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Re: Modifying Emacs to use the Mac OS X Keychain Services

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: Modifying Emacs to use the Mac OS X Keychain Services
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2011 15:01:37 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110018 (No Gnus v0.18) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sun, 5 Jun 2011 13:54:20 -0500 Ben Key <address@hidden> wrote: 

BK> As I mentioned before, I am attempting to add ns-keychain functions that
BK> match the secrets.el API as closely as possible.  I am adding a ns-keychain
BK> function for each secrets- function that has the same parameters as the
BK> secrets- function.  So far in my work, I have been mapping the collection
BK> parameter to the serviceName parameter of the various Keychain Services API
BK> functions.  By default, I am using the default Keychain to store the data
BK> but adding a user configurable option to allow another keychain file to be
BK> used.

Right, so the name of the collection is the serviceName as far as the OS
is concerned.  That means it could be stored anywhere, right?

BK> But, after taking another look at auth-source.el, I am wondering if this was
BK> the correct design decision.  I am wondering if I should instead be
BK> interpreting the collection parameter as an indication of which keychain
BK> file to store the passwords in.  I could interpret the value "default" for
BK> the collection parameter as an indication that the default keychain should
BK> be used.  I could interpret the value "Login" or "secrets:Login" as an
BK> indication that the Login keychain should be used.  Other values for
BK> collection parameter could be interpreted as an indication that the data
BK> should be stored in a file {collection}.keychain in ~/Library/Keychains.

BK> Which interpretation of the collection parameter is the correct one?  I ask
BK> because I want to be sure to get this right.

Does the user care what file it's stored in?  Can you have any
serviceName in any file, or is there some connection or dependency
between the two?


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