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Re: Revision 103117 on the Emacs trunk.

From: Katsumi Yamaoka
Subject: Re: Revision 103117 on the Emacs trunk.
Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2011 21:16:54 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> wrote:
> Thanks.  However, your change is just this:

>   === modified file 'doc/misc/Makefile.in'
>   --- doc/misc/Makefile.in        2011-01-26 08:36:39 +0000
>   +++ doc/misc/Makefile.in        2011-02-05 11:23:52 +0000
>   @@ -209,6 +209,12 @@ mkinfodir = @cd ${srcdir}; test -d ${inf

>    info: $(INFO_TARGETS)

>   +webhack: clean
>   +       echo '@set WEBHACKDEVEL' > overrides.texi
>   +
>   +nowebhack: clean
>   +       echo '@clear WEBHACKDEVEL' > overrides.texi
>   +
>    dvi: $(DVI_TARGETS)

> I think at least the prerequisites should be fixed, for those several
> manuals which now depend on overrides.texi to build (unless we go the
> way I suggest below).

> Also, overrides.texi is in the repository, but these two new rules
> will overwrite it, and the modified overrides.texi could then easily
> be committed by mistake as part of the next "bzr ci", thus propagating
> a file with "@set WEBHACKDEVEL" to everyone else.  That's bad, I
> think.

> Finally, I believe there are shells out there which will not overwrite
> an existing file with the ">" redirection; you need to remove the file
> first.

> Bottom line, I think it will be much better to remove overrides.texi
> altogether, and then modify the `webhack' target as follows:

>   webhack:
>       $(MAKE) all MAKEINFO_OPTS="-DWEBHACKDEVEL --force -I$(emacsdir)"

> Could you see if this will do what you want?

Thanks.  That's smarter.  But I think the last merge from Gnus was
too early, so I'll revert them.

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