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Re: Parsing of fontconfig font names and other font related stuff.

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: Re: Parsing of fontconfig font names and other font related stuff.
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 10:56:13 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090608)

Yavor Doganov skrev:
Jan Djärv wrote:
I'm in the process of getting Emacs to use GConf defaults for font, antialiasing, hints and dpi.

Are you sure this is a good idea?  AFAIK there are plans to deprecate
GConf for GNOME 3.0 next year, and replace it with dconf/GSettings.
The precise plan is not clear yet, I think.

Well, if it isn't clear, we must work with what we have :-)
Yes I think it is a good idea. As I said in my reply to Handa-san, the dpi values used by Emacs and other Gnome applications doesn't match, so Emacs looks different even if it uses the same font.

It would also be nice to have Emacs use the same hinting and antialiasing as other applications. We get a free GUI for setting these things (Gnome desktop preferences). It is somewhat cumbersome to set these in Emacs now.

If the infrastructure to set these values from desktop preferences are in place it is easy to change the actual means of getting the values, be it GConf, dconf or whatever.

It is not like the whole world will switch to Gnome 3.0 the second it is released. But if there will be a new Emacs release that isn't just bug fixes before Gnome 3.0 is another matter :-).

GConf is also not used in other GTK+ based desktops like Xfce/LXDE and
of course anything that's not GNOME.

Nor does KDE. Gnome is the GNU desktop after all. It will fallback to not using GConf if it isn't present.

        Jan D.

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