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Re: poor handling of multiple C-g with multi-tty (apparent hangs)

From: Markus Triska
Subject: Re: poor handling of multiple C-g with multi-tty (apparent hangs)
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 14:13:14 +0100

Ami Fischman writes:

> Note that that elisp snippet is a bit extreme - in fact this behavior
> can be triggered in much more innocuous ways, such as interrupting a
> *compilation* at an inopportune moment. But I don't have a simple
> repro recipe like the above for the more mundane ways

I also encountered this problem in a normal situation; to reproduce:

1) Download http://www.logic.at/prolog/ediprolog/ediprolog.el
   and install SWI-Prolog from www.swi-prolog.org .

2) $ emacs -Q -nw -f server-start

3) $ emacsclient -c ediprolog.el
   M-x eval-buffer

4) In the *scratch* buffer, insert on a separate line:

   ?- X is 7^7^7.

   and do M-x ediprolog-dwim with point on that line. While the quite
   large number is inserted in the buffer (it takes a while), press C-g
   a few times, until the server suspends.

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