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Re: Should M-SPC respect `sentence-end-double-space'?

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: Re: Should M-SPC respect `sentence-end-double-space'?
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 19:01:01 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

>>  > M-SPC is an important Emacs command,
>> Oh, yeah, that reminds me of an occasional wish: should M-SPC respect
>> `sentence-end-double-space'?  It currently doesn't, but it sort of
>> feels like a filling command to me.  If this has been tried and
>> failed, or there are strong intuitions against, I'd like to know.
> Why should it?  It's a command for inserting a single space, not a
> command for inserting whitespace-following-end-of-sentence...

Maybe there should be an option in text modes to insert two spaces on
typing SPC or M-SPC at the end of a sentence when`sentence-end-double-space'
is non-nil.  This means remapping SPC and M-SPC to some new command.

> Anyway, if you like double-spaces (as I do), it's very convenient as-is
> for use after a sentence:  ESC SPC SPC

I also use `M-2 M-SPC' (three keystrokes).

> [I use this command a lot, and only occasionally does it happen to be at
> the end of a sentence.]

In one of the older versions of KDE, M-SPC was captured by Katapult,
and it was not possible to redefine it.  I believe this is fixed
in the latest version of KDE.

Juri Linkov

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