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Re: some more files in gnus/ that seem to be general features

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: some more files in gnus/ that seem to be general features
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 17:30:01 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 17:04:42 -0500 Glenn Morris <address@hidden> wrote: 

GM> Here are some more files in lisp/gnus that would seem to be general
GM> features that should live elsewhere. There was a long thread on this,
GM> but it seems to have petered out. Yes, some of these files are old,
GM> but I don't see that this invalidates the discussion. Some of these
GM> files have been mentioned before, but nothing came of it.
GM> encrypt.el:
GM>   "file encryption routines". Reads/writes encrypted files.

GM> No dependence on gnus, except for easily replaceable calls to
GM> gnus-error. Needs password.el.

GM> [There was some long discussion of this file before. I don't want to
GM> re-open that, merely to say that while this file is in Emacs, it
GM> should be outside gnus/.]

Since the vote was to remove that file from Emacs, I'll do that.

This file can be removed from the Gnus repository too, I just need to
fix netrc.el there so it doesn't depend on encrypt.el (it will use it
only if loaded).  Can I assume that removal from Gnus CVS is sufficient
to please everyone and will cause removal from the Emacs CVS as well?


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