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Re: Simplification of faces

From: Michael Welsh Duggan
Subject: Re: Simplification of faces
Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2007 14:29:30 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/23.0.0 (gnu/linux)

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:

>     > If you want it to change only certain attributes and leave the others
>     > unchanged, you would need to call frame-attribute to get the values of
>     > the other attributes, and perhaps put them into the spec you
>     > construct, so as to make sure they won't be altered.
>     What does "call frame-attribute" mean? I see no such function in
>     Emacs 22.1.  Could you please give a more concrete example?
> Sorry, I should have written `face-attribute'.
>     Assuming I could understand and do what you describe, why would
>     each person need to do all of that, just to be able to change a
>     face attribute? Can't we have an Emacs function that does
>     exactly that, change certain attributes only? What was wrong
>     with `modify-face', for that matter?
> I don't mind.

I am looking at `face-attribute', and it looks like it would be easy
enough to rewrite `set-face-attribute' to use `face-spec-set' and
`face-attribute' instead of the current
`set-face-attribute-internal'.  Would this be a reasonable change?

Michael Welsh Duggan

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