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Re: Emacs manual mentioning thumbs mode but not tumme

From: Mathias Dahl
Subject: Re: Emacs manual mentioning thumbs mode but not tumme
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 22:41:17 +0200

It sounds to me as if this is really an extension of Dired

That is exactly how it started. I had a couple of thousand photos that
I needed to tag/categorize and do some clean up in. All tools I tried
had limitations I didn't like so I came to think that the already
super mega ultra powerful Dired + some handy image utility functions
would probably suit my needs. At first I thought I'd just write some
small interactive defuns which I could use in keyboard macros. But
then it started to grow. And grow. And grow... And here we are now...

Most stuff that Tumme does are meant to be used from Dired. What Tumme
lacks is some of the image editing functions that Thumbs provides in
its two modes (it has the same two modes as Tumme, one for the
thumbnails and one for the full-size image).

Most, if not all, of these editing functions would be trivial to add
(Tumme already do some of them, or similar), it mostly consist of
calling the convert tools with the appropriate options (here, Thumbs
has better abstractions for doing this) but I currently don't have any
"itch" in this area...

The only editing commands implemented in Tumme are for rotating
images, again because that is what I needed. Apart from also being
able to rotate images, Thumbs can do the following: enlarge, shrink,
emboss, resize and set the image as wallpaper ("set root"). It can
also save the result of any editing done, to a new file. I can see how
these commands could be handy sometimes although I personally will
fire up Gimp whenever I need to do such operations.

Tumme has other focus points. It has all these commands for tagging
images (or files in general, actually) and I have tried to add various
commands for easy navigation between the Dired buffer and thumbnail
buffer, etc. It has some commands to work with the EXIF information
included in photos taken with a digital camera. Again, commands that
was needed when I needed to do what I did... :)

It sounds as if we're just extending our file editor/browser/viewer to
provide features for other specific file types. Just as `Z' in Dired works
on compressed files, so some Tumme keys work on image files.



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