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Re: A new(?) warning of erase-buffer, which was not seen before.

From: ishikawa
Subject: Re: A new(?) warning of erase-buffer, which was not seen before.
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 12:52:24 +0900
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070221)

Richard Stallman wrote:
    In the old emacs version(s), it used to be that erase-buffer intentionally
    discarded undo information if I recall correctly. The buffer in question, 
    "*sim*",  contained
    a voluminous output of a running simulator program and I simply want to
    throw away the contents from time to time. And thus, undo is not necessary
    for this buffer.

If you don't want it to collect undo information, do
M-x buffer-disable-undo, or (setq buffer-undo-list t).

Thank you. I will do that.
(Makes me wonder, though, why I didn't get the warning when I ran "erase-buffer" before. Maybe the logic to show the warning has been improved...)

Chiaki Ishikawa

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