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address@hidden: Livin within Emacs]

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: address@hidden: Livin within Emacs]
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 22:43:34 -0400

I think this is for all of us, not just for me.

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From: Christoph Conrad <address@hidden>
To: "Richard Stallman" <address@hidden>
Subject: Livin within Emacs
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 12:35:57 +0100
Reply-to: Christoph Conrad <address@hidden>
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Hi Richard,

aside of bug reports i want to thank you and all developers for emacs.

Several years ago i decided to switch to GNU Emacs, and in the beginning
it was a hard time of learning. I was tired of learning the habits of
new editors every two years, and using different editors on different

Emacs is a great tool, and the best thing is its customizability with
emacs lisp. Since 2002 or so i am using CVS Emacs, updated every week.
It is very stable and runs perfectly well.

Gnus is the cream on top of GNU Emacs for mail and news. Even the CVS
version is very usable.

Best regards,
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