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Re: The emacsclient socket vs. etc/emacs.bash

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: Re: The emacsclient socket vs. etc/emacs.bash
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 16:24:34 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061025)

Kim F. Storm wrote:
LENNART BORGMAN <address@hidden> writes:
This is one of the situation where it might be good to not have
anything about server start in the startup files. If emacsclient
starts emacs automatically then you do not need that.

Well, emacs is the first thing I start when I login.
And the last thing I close before I shutdown.

So I don't (ever) need emacsclient to start emacs...

Maybe you misunderstood what I said? If emacsclient starts emacs the way I have proposed then there is no need for the startup files for emacs (.emacs etc) to start emacs server. That is taken care of by emacsclient.

If you in such a setup want to start a second emacs then you can just start emacs the way you do it today. There will be no trouble with emacs server then since the emacs you start this way simply does not care about emacs server.

Or, did I misunderstood you?

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